

Park Fees May Curtail Radio-control Flying


Published on 11/11/2003

Letters To The Editor: The Day Newspaper

I occasionally fly my radio-control airplane at Bates Woods Park. I very much enjoyed this relaxing sport, along with a number of fellow flyers.

I have been informed that as of Nov. 4, the field will be locked and there will now be an annual fee for the use of the facility. There also will be an additional fee of $25 every time the field is used. For 25 people a day it would be a dollar a visit. However, there have been a number of days I've been the only one there. At $25 per visit, the sport I enjoy will no longer be cost-effective.

Radio control flyers have been locked out of nearly every place in the county. In my experience, radio-control flyers are very respectful of the privilege of a place to fly. This field has also been maintained by one of the flyers for years at no charge to the city. Sadly, I'm told the field is unusable because it's been torn up by recreational vehicles, again. Would the fees also keep the field intact and protected? I doubt it.

If public parks start charging radio-control flyers and Little Leaguers, what's next? I hope Grandma won't mind paying at the gate for a stroll with her granddaughter. 

Stephen Krajewski
Quaker Hill